Anvilhead by Rustin Larson

North of Oxford


By Lynette G Esposito

anvilhead by Rustin Larson is fifty-seven pages of fictionalized poetry written from the viewpoint of an alien child left on the doorstep of unsuspecting humans in the middle of freezing weather.It is speculative fiction written from the alien’s viewpoint with the fresh insight of some creature seeing things for the first time and finding them strange, beautiful and perhaps untruthful. The whole tome reads as if it were a long poem with many extended metaphors.

Larson has created a world where the reader feels he, too, is an Anvilhead and yet normal whatever normal means.Larson uses a narrative voice that is both sympathetic and realistic. The book begins by skillfully introducing the narrator after giving an ants metaphor to set up the tone of the book.

I was an alien baby left on my human parent’s
front porch in a vented aluminum pet transport box

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