The Excuse Maker by Stephen Page

“The Excuse Maker,” by Stephen Page as published in “Unbridled III” by Red Dashboard LLC Publishing.
The Excuse Maker

By Stephen Page
The tractor was broke

The radio wasn’t working

I didn’t have time

I was sick that day

It was raining

The fence line was under water

The days are too long

The calves are being born now

The cows have screw worms

The horses have parasites

The horses are tired.

There is always a reason

for not completing a task,

but the tractor works when

you need it to haul firewood

to your hearth. You are healthy

on the weekends, and gone, the wild

horses, you don’t want to break.

You are the Saboteur, the Silent Tractor

Mechanic, you quit when the Tattler belittled

you, but returned after he was fired, saying

he was in the wrong. Now you mope, stumble,

ride around caped in black. You spread disease,

plague, encephalitis, the Red Death.

maybe the Tattler told a dark truth.

This hot spring afternoon I removed a vaccination

from the fridge. I immunized the other

employees. You, I will cure, or eradicate.

You will not epidemic the endemic.

At least you are not ingratiative

like the Tattler, though I know

you have a silver-fox face. You

may run the canals at night,

but I see you, in the moonlight.
*This poem published in the anthology Unbridled III, by Red Dahboard LLC Publications

Available here:
#stephenPage #redDashboardPress #unbridledIII

thanks to, #Zavia Willis, #ianAustin,

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