Libro de lectura by Ángela Pradelli

Libro de Lectura de Ángela Padelli – reseña de Stephen Page en el norte de Oxford

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North of Oxford



Review by Stephen Page

Angela Pradelli’s Libro de lectura is a book-length essay on teaching in Argentina based on the accounts of a writer who has taught in Argentine public schools.  Up until 16 years ago, attending a public school was free and unbiased to all students.  Teachers were paid a livable salary and the level of education was high.  Even the very rich sent their students to quality public schools.  All that has changed—since 2001, public school teachers’ salaries have risen very little, or in some cases, diminished, so many of the talented teachers have chosen to move laterally to instruct in private schools, where the pay is higher.

This book is about the children in the schools as well as the teachers.  The essay is divided into chapters.  Each chapter tells a different story.  Most every chapter opens with a poignant scene of one of the kids…

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